No support, reasons stated.
No support as of now, reason(s) quoted.
Welcome to MV! =3 Edit: I recommend removing your Skype. This is hacker central, haha. (I got full on hacked before on this network.)
Welcome to the forums! =)
Nice to know your back story, hey there :> :cool: :confused:
Seems fun. +1 :D
Support, good luck! =3
Support, best of luck! :D
Congratulations on Mod, Sparky! :)
Thank you. c:
It is not required to add color.
10/10 LOL
Support - good staff member.
No support as of this time, you're just not active enough throughout the whole server to be staff - please, also, make more reports.
Anti-cheat, yes. Giving players access to /tempban, no.. Good luck!
Neutral Has experience as a staff member Not a lot of detail Little to no reports Although the requirement is 50+ forum posts I still recommend...
Good to hear, I'm good!