Well know one would hate if you didn't lie ect,
A ten year old that knows English, Spanish, French, Japanese, Chinese and Italian and yet dosen't know his timezone correctly? Get real. The're...
Can some one get banned for telling some body els to kill their self?
Das ftw
Looooooool, The 'wtf' Rating would get abused. Support..
dvegfevavdgwagdwvghdcwfdcfwwdnwcdwfhdwdwghd Banned wtf that profile picture has been there forever, This bullsh*t. :t
A mod would understand two wrongs don't make a right. No support.
It looks trashy, Make it more datailed.
No support, You joind fourms today and I've never seen you ig once.
[media] Sorry had to. No support.
Dj if you apply for global mod and get accepted, what's to stop stop any one els from doing it.
You're being completely rude, I understand it wasn't involving me but yet it wasn't invloving the suggestion either so please don't go off topic.
Don't be rude, This post was unnecessary and rather rude and it dosn't relate to the thread at all so please leave if you're not going to stay on...
Boi, you rudeeeee.
Hacking is aloud unless it is used as a disadvantage.
pops can get rekt
no, I don't like you.