All your follwers joined today and the only thing the've done is left a msg on your profile and that's it, Making alts lately?
No, Seriously?!?!? You must be some type of genius or something to work that out..
I have a fourm alt thats been requesting a ban for a while :t Can you ban it?
confused, <----
That's pretty much what cyp does :)
. This should be aloud ;) since it is only once, right panda?
crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap
If some one would like more opfactions money to the deal i'll be happy to give you some money
I can give you a extra 1-3mil unless you really need more money I can give you more ;-;
sgfysdhzfgdschsecfyhhcsdfgzvhgs eaghcagchdzcdhhsfcagbdhcsvdfhgvczhd ghabvdfcsfahevsdacfaf Need more money on opfactions?
google? I have no clue.
You must feel fancy if you have a developer.
Who's Mark.
What servers do you play? You can pm him or write a message on his profile but there is no need for it here, Also it dosen't work when a regular...
Well, If you get annoyed by 2 comments that's another reason why you shouldn't be mod. My comments arn't 'unhelpful' as, i'm pointing out the...
I'm leaving my feedback, You cleary can't handle a position of mod if you can't take a feedback. You know you lied in your mod app and when I...
No support, Add more detail.