PumaSlaysObama, It used to be Pumagirl19
At that time you were banned.
Your in-game? PPUNCHY What timezone are you in?UTC What country do you live in? Australia What languages do you speak? English,Portuguese,...
So you disagree that he cropped it? Are you blind...
I only need 20k, If you want to do 40k can I have evidence you have that money?
He has to add you.
You can't.
Give me it all <3
Boiiii you're lieing.
He's selling it to @xBraidy , Don't steal the deal :t: I'll buy one for 3tril. lol wut jkjk
Okay then.
Can you ban Pumagirl19 please? I can go on it and say something if you'd like.
Time to go slap my neighbour with a shoe, He keeps cring about some F*cking shirt and won't shut up.
Don't be rude, .