no support if your recording people on a 2011 dell laptop u shouldnt be staff cant even record club penguin without your computer crashing.
no support really hope this is a meme cuz u dont even play u just want it for the tag.
no support because you should not be mod
that Stxpp kid cheats hard asf not sure if he plays anymore not like anyone would servers dog
I find it funny that the MV staff are removing my post trying to cover up what happened lmao
Guys lock this thread before nitro sees it
No support - And overall I feel that you're lacking effort. - Immature. Based on personal experience, previous replies, and from the way you...
Umm, i'm pretty sure this is illegal trading and can you stop being so toxic?
Support! Very active player on mineverse and he is always been legit from what i've seen Detail does not matter, obviously you've never seen...
You can install a macro modification to ease this, because i can assure you mineverse wont add this
Illegal trading is not allowed @i_am_youtuber take care of this scum
^^^ agreed we would not want the server to lag because i personally came on a intel pentium processor witch can only barely run minecrafts
Heyo! Welcome to the Mineverse Forums! Enjoy your stay c Hi Ng CoH Ng XD
Please take down your profile picture, profanity is not cool on the mineverse forum.
Support! This will help me see when staff log onto the server so I can toggle my hacked client off :)
I do not see anything wrong with this screenshot? No rule is being broken? Support
no support crybaby and doesn't know how to handle situations. also was extremely trigger happy with muting/warning and false muted multiple times
bruh are you dumb thats not how it works, he has those perks just cuz he donated doesn't mean he cant hop on a client on the account he donated on...
its so easy to ban evade & cheat