Okay, so we are all aware on how infection, survival games, and even skywars needs new maps, right? Well, I think it would be nice to have a build...
This isn't a big issue, but the supreme rank has the same color as moderator rank. I don't know if this is just me and my little pet peeves, but...
Roflstompers is a gametype that I came up with after being roflstomped in infection a few hundred times. Now, here is a brief explanation of it....
IGN: zjmaster Rank: God Reason: Profanity Proof: [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] But yeah, he was doing this for awhile after he was killed at /warp nasa...
IGN: Btd55 Rule broken: Advertising Proof: [IMG] This guy spent a few tries getting past the PWnFilter, but in the end he bypassed it and...
IGN: kelseyrae2001 Reason: Advertising... Here is that little picture. [IMG]
Okay, so recently Mojang updated with a bug fixing patch. Because of this, players with their profile set to "Use Latest Update" will not be able...
Okay, so I was sitting on my couch eating a slice of pizza when I came up with this: For easter this year, from April 18-April 28th Noobcrew and...
IGN: thomas4618 Reason of Report: Advertising his own little server thingy. Proof and stuff. [IMG] Enjoy, I guess.
Recently, the minecraft Authentication servers, login, and sessions all crashed. Now they are online for awhile (Hopefully) Please, join the...
[IMG]This application will be split into two main categories. Minecraft Experiences, and Extra Details Minecraft Experiences -Past Moderation...
When playing infection today, I noticed that after playing on the same maps for a long time, it gets a little boring... People know all the hiding...
In teh lobby today, we had a donor or something using /me to advertise. Name: Baaka Reason Of Report: Advertising/Spamming Proof: [IMG] [IMG]...
This is just a little thread I made to help explain the ranks of the forums, and how you can get them. First thing is first, Trophy Points....
http://plug.dj/mineverse-unofficial/ For those of you who may not know, plugdj is a music/video sharing website. All you have to do is log in...
Ello, I am Blueberry, Bloo, Blooberry, or whatever you want to call me. I am a bit new to the forums, but I have been on the server on and off. I...