did you ever tell me to stop? no, you told me to stop before I edited yours. then you edited mine, i kept the chain going. it obviously didn't...
ironic. well-known member, desperate for mod, i haven't even gone on minecraft in weeks. immature and stupid post of you, especially someone who...
hm...im sorry...did anyone that I did it to told me to stop? or did people that just randomly commented on my thread told me to stop? theres a...
i know a jarroy thread when i see one
I agree.
no prob
aw thx guys lozl
pics or it didn't happen
don't be
aright aright ill take it
hello m(9-1)s I'm @CypriotMerks apprentice if ya guys didn't know already look @ his wall and there is your confirmation have a nice day and PLZ...
on a scale from 1-10: 10 being I love it and 1 being I love it how much do you love my new avatar?
new rank suggestion: cypriot's apprentice
Its for every time someone says "give this man a cookie"
anonymous avatar and misspelled unknown name?? ur so secretive and intimidating !!
hi back. :)
Wow...this isn't demeaning at all!! but actually, not saying a man has ever favored personality over their looks, but kids, you're expecting a...