My family from England are on a plane rn back home :( I want to cryyy
just because most people have no supported him so far doesn't mean he should close his app
ok what is this then 'perhaps you know me as cooldrewbo or azhawaiianjr but i play ever game mode :p if u wanna meet up on a game mode and chill...
This helps a LOT thx
no support
That's not correct.. What?? lol.
If he says he plays every gamemode, he needs to back up his statement. There are hardly any mods on Minigames, ( specifically bedwars ) and if you...
Or there could just be another message under it so it causes way less spam, and have it say what they received instead of spamming the whole chat...
I've never seen you on Bedwars and I usually play most days, weither it's morning or nighttime. So, no.
That's probably false, because I've never seen you on Bedwars, Survival, nor Skywars. Neutral. Good luck, though.
No support. Reasons stated above ^.
Support : )
Changing to Support! Good luck :^).
Hey <3
We shouldn't have to pay for ./friend space. Neutral, lol.
oh coool
Yeah XD
In our country we call snow 'impossible' :(