In-Game Name: Toheedprff786 Offenders Name: DarkTensions_ Rule they broke: Disrespect/Cursing Evidence/Screenshots:[ATTACH]
I found out that there is like 200 mobs under spawn, this is stopping people from making their mob farms work. I think this should be fixed aswell...
Yes, I do play factions everyday. Only with a few exceptions.
Oppil, he gave me his CreditCard pin but for Paymentwall, and yes I think he could be trolling.
I sent Cyps a private messeage he replied, I gave him evidence but I am not titan. ( I gave him the Paymentwall PinCode ) Note: As I've said I...
No, you accuse me of hacks, do you record them? No. Do I get banned? No. If you want moderator then I suggest you stop lying.
Okay, good luck :D
I think I'll give you a support, you are kind and active on both Forums and In-Game.
Support. But try be more active on Forums.
No support, due to your inactivity on both forums and in-game. I see you rarely playing Factions.
DjDragonfire1, be more active on Forums.
No support, You are very Immature in-game. Also, inactive on Forums. You accuse people of hacking on Factions ( Right thing to do is report or...
In-Game Name: Toheedprff786 Offenders name: TheRollaz Rule they broke: Hacked Client. Evidence/Screenshot. [MEDIA]
Ok, thank you! By the way I do not know if the guy bought me Titan. That is what he says... And also gratz on Boss Member if I haven't said it : )
Already done so, he hasn't replied.
He used a PaymentWall so he can give his CreditCard ID he said. But that's TOO personal for everyone on Forums.. So maybe if Cyp comes I can Pm him.
Someone bought me a rank, Titan. He bought me and my brother, saheer786. Apparently, there was a Transaction Issue and it failed. So basically, he...