some are some arent btw i think u should learn a bit more about the server and the mods before u comment something
Happy bday im probs a bit late cus of time zones so soz about that
I agree with torch, both duck and jichdt have good/bad points the h-mods are busy and cant be on 24/7 cus they actually have lives. they DESERVE...
Welcome er- bad admit it leicester city is just BAD
no hes 4 ur 10
u smell 1
happy birthday quert ur finally 4 years old
yes afking for a few hrs and hopping on once in a while is playing more than u ur very smart and intelligent i apologize for being incorrect and...
5 :D
they're waiting for survival to die down which its alrdy doing cus new players arent rly coming about so once survival players quit they'll bring...
infection is so dead we srsly need new maps
ty kinsey
hmmmmmmmm u smell 1
yes 6
its cool 4