@Badlerner can you upgrade me from VIP to MVP then upgrade me from MVP to Elite? (Or if you are really feeling generous you can get me Titan or...
Your ingame name: okbeast123 The offender's ingame name: JakeTurner1990 and dollie14 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:...
No problem, one I noticed was carrying I think you meant caring....
Support but try to fix some of the spelling errors.
Im actually white jus sayin :P
You know what really grinds my gears? When so dumb kid thinks that the moderators don't have lives and blames a bunch of crap on them. They have...
TBH ur profile pick is weird! :p jk
Spider-Man plz
Yay im 13!!! (well 2 days ago)!! :P
@Texas60527 are you going to add me to the list? <3
Thanks! <3 I would like to be Spider-Man!! :D
Ign: okbeast123 Age: 12 (13 in 5 days :P) Pvpskill 1/10: 8.5 Have We Teamed Before: yes Am I sexy: Ohh yea!! Are you SEXY: Obviously ;)
No support... :(
Your In game name: okbeast123 How often do you play survival : 2-4 hours a day Building Skills out of 10: 9/10 In game Rank: VIP
No problem! <3
Support!!! <3
Name (forums): @GUSH3INVADER How you met this person: On survival What you love about this person: Because he is so kind, generous, and he is...
Who did?