Thanks for reading my format I edited my answer because it was really confusing I know so I changed it. My discord bio and the picture were really...
Your in-game name: My ign is: Jonkeh What timezone are you in? (CEST) What country do you live in? I live in north Sweden. What languages...
Support but please make the text a little bit better so I don't need to zoom in so much lmao.
Actually i dont really care anymore ive got 9 no supports so i am just gonna delete this.
i did it because you said i act like im 6 and i got a bit mad. Btw i changed password already i said its not allowed to have a mod account shared.
Alright. Just saying alright when you was a moderator you was flying on people down pvp and you macroed when you were staff just saying.
2 reports already done
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: Jonkeh The offender's exact ingame name:...
i take 3
Thx for saying what i will do and i will stop giving away acces so ill take away them today. :D
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: Jonkeh The offender's exact ingame name: Shionni A...
Thx man Alright
Oh alright im gonna try to make report now
if you wanna support please click on support thingy
Alright ill try be more active Yea ill do more reports and be more active Like i Said to vem and thx Its okey ill be more active and make more...
Got to much hate so removing this
Thx i would love to have it back Same here i forgot about it but now i remember so i made this and i would love to have it back Thx and yea its...
@SniffMyToes Thx
Yo i was playing skygrid alot and i really liked it so i really want skygrid back oh i forgot please add pvp to skygrid if skygrid is coming back
oh alr thats would be nice