A** hat or butt hat?
How gulible do you think I am, first off it takes 9 months at LEAST second you wouldn't be like twins, nice try.
This is the worst suggestion, it would ruin everything
That's more like it although Webb is a last name :P
You guys have lame bans, it doesn't have to make sense gosh... Banned for Obama Care
No need to thank me :P and I know it's hard, it takes time.
Honestly, my opinion is, don't be afraid to stand out from the crowd, don't be scared to show who you really are. Be honest with others, live life...
I would :3
Alright, thank you.
Alright so today I quit ArcherPvP due to some stupid glitch, someone shot me with a switch arrow when I was afk at spawn.... I had all my good...
Your ingame name: joshuawebb The offender's ingame name: rickstrijkers A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Walking on water...
Banned for being online
Banned for not being sour
It works, and it's fast so I don't know what you have against it...
British-Columbia but I was born in Quebec so British right, "BRITISH"-Columbia
I'm Scottish, Irish, and I live in Canada where we still are a colony of GB (well my area at least) but I am francophone as well, what am I O_o
I'm the one telling people about it plus it gives you 20 points as well so it's a win win
Ever wanted a free giftcard well there's a way, using your iDevice/Android you can go to this site: " http://www.getcashforapps.com " you then...