I give you cookie, you stop. Simple
Get a profile .-.
Fun is necessary therefore this is necessary. Learn to smile/laugh it's proven to be good for your heart.
Pony stop ruining the fun :(
Some non-donors have good stuff (or HAD in my case since my account got stolen)
Welcome to the forums! :)
Would you please stop, this is getting out of hand.
I worded that wrong :P I mean you've done things in the past that you shouldn't have done but you've turned away from that and I respect that.
Support buddy :D you may not deserve it but you've changed and I can tell.
Who deleted my message? It wasn't offensive in any way :/
Banned for drawing your profile!
Banned cause Obama don't care!
Dayum savage rank is gone and got banned
Oh hey dere remember me? :P I'll support ya
Add info to the why you think you should be mod, lots of players on these forums have high expectations for mod apps.
Meh, I don't care to be frank, mc's gotten boring. I prefer playing clash of clans or some steam games...
Congratz you made a tbh thread to tell people to not comment on it lmao
99% of apps summarized right here. Most people that actually put effort don't apply...
Try me, you got my thread closed cause you couldn't shut your mouth remember? That's one of the many reasons I dislike you but I also feel bad for...