Try entering the username, voting, and then the box with the captcha might pop-up, has this happened before?
No support, here's why: - You've been inactive for the past couple weeks - You're no longer as helpful as you were - You don't check the forums...
Skyblock is well-due for a reset, there's griefed spawns, duped items, I honestly don't see why anybody would want to keep Skyblock as it is, it's...
Hate to burst your bubble, but threats on Mineverse aren't something new, if people are going to leave over a prefix.. just go ahead and leave,...
Yea.. I don't really know how to respond to this. The server isn't shutting down, hm, guess I do.
I hope that you do get back into playing eventually, good luck on getting your account back, but I'd just make a new one if you can. If this is...
How old are you? Your in-game name: What timezone are you in? What country do you live in? What languages do you speak? Why do you think you...
Christi, you know we love you for who you are c:
Do /srm gs to see available plots at /warp plots, then right click the sign to that plot to rent it(It's 10-30k per 3 days to rent a plot of...
2 @fryzigg
Elite does in fact have my approval to advertise his application here, I don't want him getting hate for it.
I'm on about 6+ hours a day.. a few people can verify this. As far as childish remarks go I don't see many, thanks for the feedback though, I'll...
Anything I can do to improve?
Another person that really deserves this rank is __EliteGamer__, he'd be great for the position. Make sure to check out his app.
Considering you haven't taken any of the advice I've given you in my first post, no support.
Hey Ducky.
'Murica serve ya proud?