Messages only count from posts in: Discussion, Reports, Applications, Help, Ban Appeals, etc., not off-topic, rant, profile messages, forum games...
Js, it's not your 400th, since it's in off-topic
Glad you think so highly of me, good luck as well, if I weren't to get it there's nobody else but you I would want to, good luck Elite. <3
40 supports(Without re-supporters) Thanks everyone, it means a lot that you think I'd be a good Guard c: <3
Thanks for the feedback, I'll try to improve in the future.
No, just too tired of writing reasons why I don't.
One last off-topic here. I'm referring more to the other way around, a Mod force tp's and then gets people to get evidence.
I'm sure he'd appreciate it if you actually made help threads.. for help...
Tp'ing other players there after a force-tp isn't allowed.
Mods are not allowed to take action without evidence, this is one of the main reasons accusing people of hacking in chat is a bad idea. Yes,...
Although there are rules over-ruling it, I think this should be more clearly written, "Anything goes" can be often mis-construed
Dj, you aren't allowed to force tp, you either see the player hacking yourself, tpa, or see a report, or it's not going to be kept a ban long.
Oh, common sense tells me you're not allowed to force tp to players you "suspect" of hacking and tp others there, which lead to him being raided,...
So, this thread is about the rules and something I've noticed that sort of contradicts them and makes a flaw, in the rules stated in the...
Vampiric_Hunter Mincecraftdude Spam
Hello Torik
No support. - You're not active - You're not helpful - You mock players - You have hacked on both servers recently - Not enough detail You have a...
Ah, for some people they still had the perks, odd.