Off-topic.. and you're clearly bumping your friend's application frequently to make sure it stays on top.
1) You need to add a lot more detail 2) You joined the forums today, the first message you've made is your application 3) You're "New Member" 4)...
Vampiric_Hunter Chad_Reed22 Disrespect [IMG]
Updated with new information.
Thank you. I believe an application like this requires you to focus your views on the aspects of you that are strong and let constructive...
I usually give a reason but for this I don't need to, support. Staff now. Kty.
Could be, depending on your specs. Make a post here and a Staff member...
Life isn't fair.
Depending on the server, UncleUrnesto is already banned. This should be in the "rant" section It seems like you're just trying to rant about the...
Didn't you quit?.. Here are the reasons I don't support: - I don't believe you're that committed to the server - You're not active enough - While...
Could I get some feedback?
I don't intentionally judge people "harshly", I give my opinion, I don't sugar-coat it so that people will just give it a like and never actually...
Fastest way to get your rank verified is if you provide the email that was used when purchasing the rank, other than if you have a screenshot.
Not really, as he's the only person who owns this item on the entire server he can sell it for whatever he wants.
Well good luck.
It's fairly easy to, it's just that I joined(The forums) around 1 month ago and I have more posts than you, that's the only thing that concerns me.