This would just be a giant issue waiting to happen, once clans are added, issues will appear, things will be restricted and changed. If you look...
This isn't an issue. Forum reports are reports regarding activity on the forums(I.e rate abuse, harassment, etc.) and should be allowed to be...
Trust me, it is.
Easier said than done, it's not just a raffle for Moderator, it's a serious position and has to be earned, has to be given to somebody who...
Hello Tube
Would probably encourage more players to hack as there's something to gain from it.
Thanks for the feedback/support everyone.
Hey c:
Oh, look, somebody mimicking Daddy for positive ratings, grats, you've lost my respect.
No support. - Never seen you in-game - You've made 1 message, that's your application - You're "new member", showing you haven't taken time to...
Pretty sure I forgot to change this a long time ago(Oops), but knowing you a lot more I have decided to support you and your application. Why may...
Before this thread gets locked I'd just like to say 90% of the people on this thread are being such hypocrites, you complain that he's bragging...
You might be okay with sharing this and opening up to the community but I don't really think it's right to force people to open up, that's your...
Vampiric_Hunter CookieMaker64 Spam/Repeat messages
Some words of advice: You have some serious work to do if you're 14 and you still snap every time somebody gives you criticism.
Vampiric_Hunter Lego_Batman_1 Caps/Disrespect [IMG]
You'll basically be back for my birthday c:, best gift ever <3 :)
I already knew you were leaving, so I don't really have any goodbye's left to say but we'll still talk on skype, so I'll see you around Anna.
You don't love me? :o
How I found the server: I found the server in November 2013 and the first game-mode I went to was KitPvP, I walked up to the portals and looked...