@Skype u right
oh no :(((( @Benko
animal jam is the best game ever uwu xD rawr
sailor moon makes my heart go WOoooooOOooO
yed uwu im belela throne
i was checking apple music and i look at the top searches sometimes and she was up on there so thats why i listened to it...
uhhh its good tho
uh lol bhad bhabies new song is rlly good and i lol hate her but like heads up
that ship...will never a thing... bc THat is eee lee galll
I.... forgot what I was going to talk about... oh well
lol what do u have against everyone
"welcome!" "welcome." "nice to meet you!" ... its scary @Benko
people are so nice on here... it physically scares me because I'm stuck with @Pastel uwu
we dont... talk about that....
I am... DyslexicQuen. Am new. Nice to meet u. lol @Pastel is one fav @Scorv is my other fav but like pastel is my fav fav but lol we...
I passed my online permit test after 8 tries.... be careful on the road I might be next to u
this dua lipa cover made my eyebrows grow back
lol dua lipas cover of "do i want to know" just cleared my skin, made me a better person and cured my depression all at the same time.