All are on kit pvp.
This application has the most detail I have ever seen. In fact, I found a total of 0 reason you should become mod. Wow, that is a lot. No Support.
Soopart :P
Your ingame name: OneEyedKinq The offender's exact ingame name: DevonTerrell A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking....
Soopart. :P
You spelled application wrong. :( R.I.G. Rest In Grammar. Support Though.
-1 90 Ayyy lmao. This reply was too short, so now I am saying things. ;)
Support! :poto:
What he said. ^^^^^^^^^^
Lol, I've already watched that. If you REALLY want some cringe, watch Watamote.\...
Support for new map. No support for 1.9/1.10.
Support. Now I can finally unleash my almighty gambling addiction.
The mouse is the almighty gaming tool. You can left click, right click, and scroll. Op as hell.
Make it look nicer. This could also be used on op pvp. What if someone afks in it? Support
Add this along with /baltop for each server :P Well besides creative and infection because there is no currency.
Thank fam. Leaving it blank makes you wonder.
Not sure when I was mentioning my family, but as long as that reply satisfies your shriveled up, I guess it was worth it?
I live because my life pisses you off. Is that a good enough explanation?
Your existence is a lie.