I'd like to see prison reset maybe next year, Cyp,Tanner ect are probably extremely busy with towny right now trying to get it prepared for public...
Yeah this is still being fixed from my knowledge, I tried to bounty someone a few times and it came up with the same message so you aren't the...
No support. Really small application that needs heads more detail and time put into it. Please don't ever try to make me look at an application...
No support, Never seen you in game which is rather worrying.
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.
Thread Locked on request. If you disagree to this action, please report this post, and a moderator or administrator will reconsider it. Kind...
Marry @canucksfan44 Kiss @Alex Kill Everyone afterwards mwahwha. @Pile_of_Butts , @bananaman11223 , @canucksfan44 again :P
13 the very unlucky number.
I take this is no longer an issue, As you're now staff you can report this to pile and they can report it to cyp, Thanks for you report. Resolved.
tags can be fixed now by yourself at /warp shop Resolved.
Fixed from what I've seen, No real damage can be done through this so resolved.
Can't be fixed, There's no way for any mobs other than spiders to get into spawn.
Greifing is bannable if you have video evidence of these players doing so please make a report, The likely thing was that your other helper was...
Thank you for your report. This report has been resolved. This thread was moved to Reports - Archives.
This should no longer be a thing.. I don't think this was ever a glitch and there's no real proof of a "glitch"