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Jarroy. Nurrrrrrr
Support, that game last time though xD
Support :)
bump 2 ;-;
Congratz bby <3
Yes you! <3
I knew it. Congratz :P <3
<3 Congrats :) Locking/Archiving
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Well, he didnt remind us here.
Wait what? For all sakes, he can be trolling.
you hurt my feelings. bump ;-;
Not you, most people are doing it, and it is just spamming me with useless things.
Okay, if you won't post your irl pic, then just dont troll. Example: you post a link to an image. It turns out to be a troll face. No. Just Don't
I will make one in a sec :p Edit: There. My user is KewlMCDude, as usual :3