I think it does do that, but the plugin didn't catch it. Anyways I don't think we are allowed to ban since Cyp said that we should just warn them...
Gangnam Style just hit 2 Billion hits. LMAOSHMSFOAIDMT.
Support, there isn't really a need of those threads. Even though I created forum games similar to them, you persuaded me that the idea is just...
I remember I gave you all of that money. Anyways, I will look into this thread. Just here to watch the thread.
lol. gg
I'll message you when I see him so you can meet him again buddy :p
Note that we all [might] live in different time zones. I try to go on at least once or twice a day for 2+ hours. Us Mods try to do our jobs the...
Lol shonal. Was this the first time meeting Cyp? :p
Is there a "The Most Kewl Person" award?
Can't Rick Roll me. I already have once but I quickly checked if it was a pop up/a rick roll. I did this too:...
We aren't stopping you to hack. If you do you will face the consequences. The [possible] consequences are: You can possibly banned for breaking...
Surprisingly it did. I just spammed the clear button and it cleared my inventory.
I used Key Binds, not Minechat...
You are welcome guys. If it worked, then give yourself a pat on the back also, thank BlueBerry and Beef! And BlueBerry, if you read this, mind...
I just downloaded Key Binds when this happened. Press the key bind key I binded to do /clear, totally worked. Good luck guys. :) Thanks for this...
Aww, another puppy pic :)
Yeah it's true :p
Beefy is kewler than me. Add that to the list :p
Remember when you said you will do a face reveal on 100 followers? I wish I can make alts so I can see your smexy face.