They normally use cookies too.
Try using an adblocker. I recommend this one (for Chrome):
Thank you for your service; you did a lot when we needed it most. I hope you continue the success in your life.
pfft, its been longer than that
Um, Who are you?
Not making much at all anymore. New owners would be great, but doubt they would sell it. Selling the server is unneeded and will most likely...
What is going to possibly increase Mineverse's player base is to fix the current game modes, if anything.
Becuase there are more important things to implement which also have not been implemented :)
What Mineverse needs is a Zero Tolerance policy; if you are caught cheating, straight two-year ban. With no appeal. But an anti-cheat would be nice.
Why not fix the current game modes before adding new ones?
What about a 2-year ban for cheaters?
Fixed a lot of grammatical errors, I will fix more when I get the time.
I know that. But I believe other peripherals take precedence that of how many reports you have created. But thank you for your reconfirmation :)
I don't see posting reports on the moderator requirements?
Thanks. Whats wrong with php?
The zombies on WWII is terrible. Who actually bought WWII to play the zombies?
The anti-cheat is far from fine.
Thank you.