Both of them together or separate?
[IMG] It's not very good but it's the best I could do.
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Sorry guys if you had to bleach your eyeballs out from this but I hope you like it.
duck duck duck
I can either draw your skin (if so, send a link or a photo of it) or an animal, whichever you'd like me to do.
Me, I suppose
Skin: http://imgur.com/QG1f7yE Type: Chibi Other stuff: Could you add the word "finchy" next to it? Thanks.
I see you everywhere tbh, that's it.
Neutral. I like the idea though!
MV has had it's ups and downs over the three years I've been on it, and honestly, I have no clue which direction it's going in.
name: fin background: uh light blue line colour: black face: first face, thanks! anything other: could you add a little flower or something next...
Haha wow, I'll pass. :)
haha lmao, i remember. i didn't believe you :t: i am way too excited about marching band, slay me.
hey hello me please
your signature is 12/10
Support! I've only played a total of four maps over the past week and it's so annoying.
Hi, hello, welcome!
hmmm do me :p