you're so cute!!
I would like to be a teacher but I'm also thinking about joining the military as well.
Because it's just what happens when people get older?
Older men tend to have leakages.
Hello! Ahh I love that you named your finch Atticus, is that a reference?
salty af
it was a joke
happy birthday c:
Half the things he said in there applied to himself as well, lmao.
Disgusting, there are children on this site!
Nobody is forcing you to leave. Serve your banning time, as you did hack. Come back if you wish, I guess.
august 8th :/
Np :)
aw, congrats!
I've only ever played it on my brother's phone and it's kind of boring?
Pokemon Name: buneary Just head or whole body: whole body Sparks of type? Yes/No nah Specific time you want it ready? If yes list time. doesnt...
Dragonite is pretty cute.
Ah! Almost two years.
I saw you on Infection earlier, heh. Welcome!