That's not homo, that's pretty biceptual :)
Still no support :)
This isnt closed yet, so I say no support
Just stating a fact, It made me cringe. Felt my whole throat close-in from gagging too hard.
This deserves "cringe" all over it.
What're you, Jamaican?
I reckon, i'd be able to get mod easily :) aye? aye?
No support
Wow rude boy :(
Oh, it is you :) gday mate long time no see
Oi Oi Oi
Aussie Aussie Aussie
Apply for staff so i can get free unbans :)
HiKids was also hacking, and is teamed with EnergySavingsJR.
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name:C2411 The offender's exact ingame name: EnergySavingsJR...
No support. reason: no reason.
I Don't mind being premium though, I just want him banned.