I believe that it's fair because those "retired" moderators willingly help the server, for a long time and without being really thanked for their...
The title explains my suggestion. It would be nice to be implemented, to thank the "retiring" moderators for their services EDIT: This would...
Just remembered gotta wake up at 7 am, my dad is leaving again for 2 months ugh
Dw, I'm on my old iPad and it's midnight for me atm xD
Shouldn't this be in the suggestion section?
I declare (poke) war on you :}
True, the best change that can happen to MV is the replacement of the owners, which can basically do what they want. Though, I don't think our...
hru? it's been a while
oh it's you hi
bump bump
latethanksforthesupport bump
Make volunteers able to become helpers if they are active, do reports often and are helpful. (There would be helper applications, with the...