I'm sorry Nanurz, I didn't want to have to say this either, but it's true, I'm honestly surprised.
There was an advertiser on skywars, not going to mention the mod's name so they're embarrased, but I kept telling them to ban them, they weren't...
so bored that I even went on minecraft for the past week XD
I'm shocked how bad some of the staff are now, what's happened?
apologise to saitama-sensei :t
some people can be strong and skinny y'know :<
r00d :<
with chocolate flakes and banana is amazing
ooo it's my number one stalker <;;
I'm cosplaying as Saitama at comic con. <:
hey baby ;p
Started watching fairy tail again. xP
hai nightie~ my fav cat died today ;-; got run over, there are so many maniacs that speed on the road next to my house, it's only a little road as...
I still remember as if it was just yesterday. :')
That's what the ":t" was for :P
Trying to call me a stalker now? I see how it is. :t