You seem professional and experienced. Support :)
The numbers on the side of the mouse are called macros. You can set them to do whatever you want, like if I pressed the number '3' macro, I could...
Players will be muted, thanks.
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.
Attack on Titan! (Anime) Waiting for the Walking Dead That's pretty much it.
The mentioned people in-game were never in the video. Any updates?
If you have any more evidence, post it.
It looked like hacks at some point, but unfortunately, I don't have enough to conclude that he was hacking. Thanks anyway.
Player has already been banned with this evidence. Locking and Archiving.
@ScoFu13, mature, fair, and kind all at the same time.
Goodbye Jadey, you were a very good friend of mine. I will miss you.
Panda is mine get out @PandaBear__
Sorry about that. I looked in the screenshot, but I couldn't see the player's name? Do you have further evidence?
In 10 years, I won't be surprised if there is a machine hat brushes your teeth for you.