wow what a nice piano
stop trying to talk to me. i'm sick of you and your awful attitude. go take your anger out on your reflection or something.
why are you here and commenting and alive don't you have something better to do Thank you c: best of luck to you too
You could have been more mature. Still wishing you that awful ending.
Sorry, got you mixed up with someone else i really need to check stuff
oooo rating my post dislike @Griff so mature of you. when you leave this server i hope you get an awful goodbye too.
bye kid i'll miss you least of all
actually i've only made two this is the second one. doesn't hurt to check you know
yea no sorry no guys not today
forgot to add i have a new skype and no one else is getting it unless you're random, dae, rodeen, etc.
you think it's a joke well it's not buddy
well im not gonna be on forums literally anymore so have some art of mine [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] all was done today so whatever. final stuff... relatable
too fabulous
Welcome to the ex mod party we have like cookies and some other stuff i think maybe water? you can also see my crappy drawings on snapchat too...
I'll have you know sir, I will not be a duck. And I haven't seen a duck in probably 5 months because we don't have them in the mountains.
I was thinking of being like a white swan and just wear a fancy masquerade mask, a white shirt with white feathers, and a long white skirt or...
Bye, I certainly won't miss you.
I see no reason to.
@Espin I'd like it if you didn't heavily reference my art like you did on your profile picture, as it looks very similar. Thanks :)