anyone who makes this kind of thread never gets mod lmao gl
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: CrackedAcid The offender's exact ingame name:...
No support whatsoever. -You told me to commit suicide and that no one likes me on teamspeak, and also called me multiple horrible things. -You...
pineapples are in my head
i despise you sir.
I didn't include art styles, because I'm really struggling with finding one myself. And yeah! Pretty much anything with a screen and pen can be...
never heard of you but bye
also i'm not a furry or anything so shut up There's more to art than just paper and pencil. Millions of digital art pieces are on the internet...
to the kid who hacked my account and named it CrackedAcid i hope someone slams a lamp into your head <3
hey randy how u doin'
oh great now i have about 20 things on my art to do list
jesus people the country hasn't burned to the ground yet stop overreacting about trump
No support. Being the person who suggested /friend, I don't see this being added. There should just be another page or two of friends, we don't...
No support, sorry. I haven't met a single person on this server who has 1000+, and I certainly wouldn't be motivated to get the rank. If anything...
thought you were dead
well most burn out, and no one notices there are some special snowflake exceptions
and stars die, and then no one remembers them