Hello, its me, anyways I thought of this new game, here is how it goes. You have to tag one person, and dare them to do something in-game, or irl,...
lol nice irl pic XD
Yay... Well, I am 15-ish I might actually be 8, I have an awesome sense of humor, I am short-ish I would say my appearance is not much, I only...
The only staff online lol
Just close the thread someone... I will never get moderator even if I did change, my impression on people has already been decided....
Eh, good enough...
Thehec... how'd he get moderator on the second page... I think thats a record gg bro
Wait... one question, may I ask what is still in development?
Hi Cyp
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Thanks for the tags :>
Getur þú fylgja mér ?
lol for a second there, I actually thought you knew the language XD
Gudbuye ;-; See ya ;)
Um, if everyone else has a team than, why not. But until I further analyze the idea. No Support. ;)
Halló , gaman að hitta þig , hvaða plánetu ? ( Ég tala mörg ólík tungumál ) ( líkt Batman ) Translation: Hello , nice to meet you, what planet?...
Because think about it, it would complicate things on kitpvp, if we had parties, think about a giant team. We would need a leader. Much like a...
Errr Sorry, No Support.