Nope. You just don't know my Religon, we believe in god*. Heres a hint: We believe at the end of time, there will be an epic war between good and...
Nope. :) Nor Mormon either.
I don't celebrate Christmas, I'm not christian or atheist for that matter. But I still like to make people feel happy and warm inside :P
O we are the same age-ish ;)
Hello, I got bored and saw @HipsterChick 's amazing thread I had custom made my high def skin, and I don't mind doing it for others, comment what...
Welcome To the Mineverse Forums!
Happy Birthday!
Welcome to the Mineverse Forums!
Oh, well keep the thread unlocked.
Ok, well lock the thread anyone, this bird got shot out of the air rather quickly.
Support.. though it'll require a lot of new plugins...
Hello, Rockerz here again, I was just thinking that people who create a thread should be able to close there own thread, I cannot think of...
You and me both are spamming this cookie rating XD
Aw thanks Cyp <3 I forgive you. And Merry Christmas and Thanks for the "Noob" trophy XD
I know it's a little early but I just want to wish you a Merry Christmas, to friends, to foes, and even to acquaintances. I wish you all a Merry...
I'm wearing a suit today... the shoes hurt ;-;
I'm not your biggest fan. But that statement was flat out amazing. Give This man a cookie!
Guys, this is extremely demeaning, I don't think this should be on the forums, I tried not cursing but, this sh*t is sexist, so go f*ck around...