Have you ever accepted a mod application personally on this server?
No Support, you need way more information. You need to add some color and bold, and your extremely new to the forums, try and get at least member...
lelk, thanks!
Welcome To Mineverse Forums!
lol, I love how you were forcefully dragged into this XD
Thank you everyone for all the Support!
@LimeCoconutShake Merry Christmas!
Np! If you fix those two thinks I'll probably Support :)
Sorry, but No Support, your Moderator application is somewhat tacky, and you lack detail. Sorry.
Thanks! And Merry Christmas!
Thanks xP
And Thanks again everyone for the Support!
I'm getting Mod for Christmas... I hope ;-;
Butchur booty don' need explain-in'
Good you point them out? I would highly appreciate it. :)
Thank You everybody!!
Oh my, we both got hats on the same day.
And we believe in one god... not many gods btw :P and I want to keep my religion classified.
I'm guessing that's a no support. Well, ok.
80% Support, nice app.