ew no, @LimeCoconutShake and @BobyFresh or @LimeCoconutShake @Darkeh @BobyFresh and @Rockerz :t:
Nu. Anyways, um @Taylor and @Rockerz
No Support. + You'll never get it, you posted it on Cyp's profile.
Use this profile pic bro. http://imgur.com/aDu860h
KEEP DA SNOW... OR SNOW HELP ME (I'm sorry I had too XD)
Hello, Rockerz here, and I was on Op-Prison, and had previously been on .net, and I typed /wb, and I forgot we do not have that command, so why...
#StopSpammingHim #SpamCyp :t
That awkward moment when I ask you to Skype casually, and you don't respond and you make it all awkward ._.
No Support, although your a nice, funny person, you tend not to be extremely mature, you do do things that I will not mention on a public thread,...
Nope, I tried everything, my rare key never appeared again ;-;
Yea, same with me, I got a rare key, and I never got it in my inventory. I'm now sad ;-; Anyways @CypriotMerkz fix this please?
Brah, its happened to meh many times. I guess all you need is a pretty face for people to stand up for you -_-
Only Cyp can fix this, but I doubt he knows how. Sorry. Locking.
k cul.
^^^^^^ [spoiler]
Bro, I get your mad, I'd probably be too, but bro, you pissed off Cyp, no one pisses off Cyp... and just you wait until Terrick comes along.. idek...
Some of us have religons bish, try it sometime ;)