Why are you smoking Terrick?
Support @Noobcrew and @CypriotMerks eh?
Np, just warning you. Might want to pm him, just too say you didn't know and it was a misunderstanding :P
Princess, Cyp can only see it when moderators tag him, don't abuse it, you might get demoted.
@MaxNinja10 @rachetclanks and Uncle.
ily mure than kitkat
Support... again. :>
[Deleted post]
50% Support. Good Luck.
Thanks :)
Wasn't it Arch?
@CypriotMerks, ban this douche plez :>
Yea... no...
lol, nobody has posted for like... ever, so bump
No Support. 1. You asked the owner for moderator, that breaks the rules. 2. You did not put detail in your Application 3. You are not that good a...
Bro, it ain't gonna work. Fine answer this question... wut is her favorite animal, its obv but still. + Her, Darkeh, Boby, and Mind... and meh and...