Because Because... uh (delete your message for a free Ferrari pls)
This thread will be full of references that I can't comprehend so bye.
Get 20 alts Get a good pc Get a life (jk) Get them all on the server 1 vp = 2 ranks up GG
Thanks for the supports! Bump
I refuse to succumb to culinary degradation
So the new prison is out, and it seems pretty good right now. But some things could be implemented to make it more interesting. 1. /ah (Auction...
Please stop trying friend.
It is supposed to be. But tbh, nobody knows.
The Greek one is cringy because it is so badly translated. (yea ik, google translate)
Did you just make a cat pun? Now this is purrsonal.
@Deivid0ze is a noob
I don't care.
um. Someone?
I honestly thought this was an introduction until I saw the no supports. I was like wtf. No support.
Good triggering times intensifies.