Forum mod isn't even a thing... It's not going to be added. No support.
Argh this again, I don't mean to be rude but I will actually cut if you get promoted. My reason being is you've been so rude to myself and others...
The 10k? XD
I swear you hate me
Kiss? No
I saw it... the secret food supply. THEY HIDE IT FROM US BECAUSE WE'RE.... DIFFERENT
Grats winners!
'All day long' Sorry I don't believe you. I know timezones play a part but I hardly see you on forums either.
I never see you around anymore, I know you're capable of being a great mod again, but you just don't seem active.
Grats. Can't believe you're still here.
No support.
Good luck, Methy. Great working with you!
Awh no!! Sad to see you leave Swift, you did great while you were a mod. :(
Wait no, LOL
No support, if we go back down and new people try to join they won't be able too. No one's going to be bothered to switch to 1.7.
Add my name? :,)