ShovelMc @Mega Invalid use of warning points
Has player tags off lol
I agree it should be added. But you should not be able to /jump in enemy/claimed areas (Hit get your sh1t straight and fix spawn Cyp) allowing...
Premium, my love and affection. Show them you dont scam and upgrade me, IGN; ShovelMc
How about you both just <Edit> drop it. Baby spreads roumers about everyone. Awrightgirl acts like shes the <Edit> and everyone should obey to...
How about you stop cyber bulling and deal with someone that can fight back. If I find out you are making fun of someone again I'm dealing with...
A long time? Really niqqa its been like 5 months. Dont even start i've been trying to report hackers as beset as I can. I am only one person
There are FKVE mode here. Explain why they couldn't fo 2 2 and 1 moderating other servers. Tell r you don think it's a bit extreme to have FIVE...
@theentirestaffteam @killeddoespvp!!!
Oh thanks Dcm. Discriminate me from pictures. Real nice.
TheHiddenOne143 -> NubCrew -> ThatPedoJimmy BigBootyJudy666 -> ShovelMcYT -> Jizzy bots ->(soon to be) ShovelMc
Jesus chirst
I got the message after being unbanned about my post being removed. this "staff disrespect" and that was not removed my swearing one was. I've...