Not sure if this can help but @TannerLittle @Terrick
[ATTACH] To get a proper ban you don't "just had gyazo" what if the 10 seconds isn't enough? Then you dun goofed because you can't go back to... Subs: 71 Videos: almost 84 I think
There is a reason. Which is fine
Maybe you've never recorded someone before. It is quite hard. 1. You're never going to know when they will /heal you 2. The time it takes to...
I rarley play factions so I dont get where you're coming from
Oh Ok then sorry for the confusion
They are trying to make Factions more fair. Deal with it or gtfo
Then leave.
They have not had time to. Cyp/Crew does not remove the plug-ins. @TannerLittle does. There is no need to get loud(Caps) just calm down and deal...
You add things you remove things. Deal with it. It's like this; McDonalds added McWings 4 months later they removed them. Oh well deal with it...
And they chose to remove them. Deal with it or gtfo
Honestly I dont care. You have how many more comands on EVERY mineverse server. People like me or others who dont have ranks cant do it so why do...
Wow Uncle greedy much? But more importantly I feel this should NOT be re-added because it's stupid. How would you feel if you were about to fight...
Hey guys shovel here! I wanted to ask if we could add some things in to either Factions or Op Factions because I think it will make the game more...
I have no way of getting into the nether. I cannot make a portal
Hey guys Shovel here! So on OpFactions I was setting up a small xp grinder when SSniper said he'd add some spawners. He ened up raiding us later...
[media] I don't remember what I was doing