Hey what's up guys it's scarce here We have decided to go ahead and reset Skyblock. You can connect to Skyblock via lobby navigator or typing...
Sneak peak of our first custom boss and many more to come in the future introducing to OP Factions with neat rewards. :) [IMG] Fire Giant!
Premiums+ can now create clans on OP PvP. Commands: /clan create [name] - Creates a clan /clan disband - Disbands your current clan /clan accept...
Today we have installed a new plugin to all PvP servers to improve hit detection. Plugin is active on OP PvP and will be active on all servers...
I'm actually 15. Close enough though.
We'll be using our own custom Skyblock plugin. Island Protection Invite up to 8 members /lock your island to disallow anyone from visiting your...
We are.
What features would you like to see on Skyblock & OP Factions. Please keep this thread related to Skyblock & OP Factions. Sneak peak of our...
The top 5 voters of October were upgraded or promoted to MVP and are listed below: 1. StudioGamer 29 votes [ATTACH] MVP Rank Winner 2....
Welcome to the team.
Essentials includes mail system but I'd rather not use it for Mineverse.. I'd prefer something like.. BungeeMail if I were to implement this so...
You can now purchase x1 speed 2 at spawn now.
It wasn't even my suggestion and because it got reasonable amount of support I decided to implement it because I liked the idea and secondly just...
Fixed block glitching/boosting points & info signs. Holes in the maps and vines that were under the map Towers.
Says the one who always replies instantly after I post. :lol: