Revamped the SkyWars shop prices. Changes: - x8 TNT = $25 - Singularity = $50 - Singularity+ = $100 - Black Hole = $250 - The Switch = $25 -...
The top 5 voters of February were upgraded or promoted to MVP and are listed below: 1. Nepo 29 votes [ATTACH] $35 Coupon Code Winner 2....
Welcome to the team.
This perk is for God's and Titan's only. Access to /fly on our lobby servers. This was requested by a lot of players in the past and was brought...
Hello Mineverse, Before I begin I'd like to apologize for these changes. I'm afraid it was our only choice to clear up 99% of the duped items and...
Today marks the fourth year of Mineverse. I'd like to thank everyone who has supported us throughout this wonderful journey. Especially those who...
Added Mine Bombs to voter crates. 3 Tiers Small Medium Large Throw an item as a bomb to mine blocks. :P
You can now sell your vote party rewards (diamond / emerald blocks) at /shop Added more blocks and miscellaneous items to decorate your plot so...
Hey guys, OP Prison has been reset! The long wait for OP Prison is finally over, with the reset we got a new spawn, and all new maps for the...
Updated NCP + Configuration on all game modes couple days ago. Let me know if the anti-cheat is better or terrible.
Added. Command: /ranks
You can now use /spec [player] to go into spectate mode and teleport to the given player. Type /surv to go back into survival mode. This will also...
The top 5 voters of January were upgraded or promoted to MVP and are listed below: 1. Cimer 31 votes [ATTACH] MVP Rank Winner 2. PinkComboz 31...
Added back SilkSpawners. Plugin disabled itself, strange. Added Beacons at shop for 150k per. Spawner prices are fine. Fixed all shop prices.
Prison Gangs update is now live. This feature is available to all prison ranks. All commands/features of this plugin will only work inside the...