1 Don't Give Up! We can do this! Eventually! One Day! Maybe... possibly.... so many mods ;-;
Banned for having "Blue" in your name, but not having anything blue in your pfp.
Banned because you're supposed to be banned since before me, you were the last one to post on this thread, making you're comment the one above...
1 Invisible text
Banned for using an old joke.
Pfp's are banned. So is @BlueJr .
Banned for changing your name. (I know it's for a thread you made.)
Banned for remembering.
Lol. Banned for using the same amount of words as I did xD (6)
Endive Just an fyi, if you didn't know/read the rules already... You're supposed to name a food that begins with the letter that the last food...
Banned for using too many words.
Yep :) How about you?
Anime memes are currently my favorite type of memes. I like memes in general though... Except for some of the overly inappropriate ones, the...
Ik, but I remembered when it was't on purpose :P So I was just joking around a bit. 6
No Support. Reasons Stated^^