Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: FlameDragoness The offender's exact ingame name:...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: FlameDragoness The offender's exact in game...
6...5432... 1
<XxN1TR0xFUS1ONS was arrested for murder> ...On the way to the police station... <XxN1TR0xFUS1ONS was 360 no-scoped by a p10 zombie with a...
Of course. "Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?" - Nonsense Meme
5 because 'Idk' you.
Tree... I mean three
lol, did you just assume my gender? I identify as an attack helicopter .-. (I'm female fyi) @EccentricPotato_ was attacked by a mob of easily...
._. 1
@EccentricPotato_ was killed by a hacker. . . . The hacker was never caught.
Water is banned. Why does a circle have 5 corners?
Don't give up... We can do this! 1 step at a time :P
No Support. Maturity isn't always dependent upon age. There are people, as stated by @TradeOffer , that are capable of being good moderators...
Neutral. I really like the game Draw My Thing, but I don't think it would be worth adding. The problem is: ... That about sums it up. (Player...
No Support. ^^I agree with these statements fully^^ #NerfTheBows <-- That's about it. Side Comment: The reset was great. Prestiges, although...
Support... mostly. Response to: Improve the items in the Villager Shop Neutral. I think these 'additions' would be better used in an OP version...
Neutral. Although I'd like to support this thread, I agree with @Crazytaco453 . Many people tend to get upset easily and this could cause...