I was 1v1ing this kid in KitPvp2 and i just killed him but then the server restarted with no warning and i was still in combat. I log on again and...
Your ingame name: KevinToyotamr The offender's exact ingame name: ConelyCon909 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: This kid...
So yeah, ItsJadeJr scammed me. I was gonna give him 200$ ingame, 32 enderpearls, 2 boots with the enchants Protection4, unbreaking 3 and depth...
Albin0403 tp trapped me, i cant use the format since im lazy but yeah. His exact MC name is: Albin0403 My IGN: KevinToyotamr Rule Broken: Tp...
Your ingame name: KevinToyotamr The offender's exact ingame name: KarlHenrik2005 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: He...
I played around in kitpvp tried to catch hackers. Then i saw this guy fly hacking so please ban him. His ign is: Mineluke Proof of report:...
zSegregation tp trapped me on kitpvp. :mad: Proof: [MEDIA]
As i have been playing on kitpvp, i have seen many teams. You should be able to write / team create or something along those lines. This is just a...