Twenty One Pilots is awfull. Big Bang Theory is awesome. How i met your mother is awesome to. And 10 things i hate about you is hilarious
Your cheating lol. In your handcam video ur not even clicking. And u use a client in labby mod
i hate mega dillpickle virtualbones howdoipvp and who doesnt know him The king of the cheating donarors zPeaceqYT . I hate them cause there all...
No support i dont like retarded kids young man
So what the bhop hackers can get a sharp 30 and buy str 2 and kill anyone they see? Its not that hard to get €100. But I understand your point on...
Like you?
"ill be getting a logitech502" mouse doesnt matter cps doesnt even matter that much. Obv when you have 4 cps and the guy who ur fighting has 11...
Does ImToggling autoclick?
Says the guy who admitted to use an autoclicker
If you have autoclicker on 15 cps can do more damage then when you have 5 cps
ChiChay uses hacks in his labbymod if you just gappled he hits your right threw your Regenaration. He does so much damage for a sharp 30
zpeaceq got banned for cheating. Mega has autism he gapp hitted me 2 times when he was still a god rank. HowDoIPvP is different thoug he doesnt...
jk :)
and she doesnt love you!!!!
what did you do in janice's house??
In Game Name: RandomArabicKid Maturity (1-10): 1-10 It can change and depends who it is Do you have TeamSpeak/Skype: Yes I do I can msg/pm you...
I dint say they all cheated. LickHer and Fxded are the only good players from that.
The people in Toggleskids that will fight against Empire are : VirtualBones, Lickher, Fxded, HowDoIPvp, Chuck, zPeaceqTY, DillPickle,...
whats your ign?
hes not even arabic wtf? or is he