In the beginning it recuired strategy now its impossible to kill players cause they pearl gap and there fine
Bump Bump
Hey there guys MDJ here and I've been playing OpPvP for a while now ( 2 years ) And I remembered the time where you could get Str 2 and Speed 2...
Dm's? You mean get in their closet?
Hello there I do like Chinese American chicks
marhabaan inna MDJ min alrrayie ann altaqi ( Hello my name is MDJ nice to meet you in Arabic ) And thanks dude :D
hi there my name is m7 and I am Arabic and I like to play bedwars oppvp kitpvp skywars on mineverse I am 15 years old and I was born in Aman...
you do meet them?
I 100% support you
I hope you get mod dude I 100% support you want to be my friend and meet in game
100% support want to be my friend cuz I'm loner
its okay we don't care about you anyway random :)
I freaking love it
ouch [MEDIA]
LOL he's god and he still using huzuni kill aura
Please quit. And are you HowDoIPvP? HAHAHAHA your hacking aswell lol stop denying
Am i still going to get accepted or denied
@ChiChay and you"re a retard shots fired
@Rodeen cause he had autoclicker