this bih crazy - Tucker
Tukr if I dont win I cry
Instead of having a blanket reset on the mines, have the mines reset when they reach certain capacity. For example, once a mine reaches 30% or 40%...
212 rekt
237 ez
wut about me
Support my guy
smh getting told I cant drink at 8am. Wtf is this. Noon is good enough for me.
I remember logging into towny a total of 1 time, old prison was so bad bc all that bedrock would murder fps ;-;
Another og thing for the people who played pvp servers, when op first released /kit op was once very 10 hours. Mineverse's ranks also used to be...
They really talking about a dragon lobby as og, get that out of here. Real ones will remember the ice lobby with nether portals.
Yes I do happen to be the best there ever was. To catch them is my cause.
How about we just defund the staff and instead put the resources into other areas.
who is supposed to abuse for me now. Guess ill have to go to my backup plan
i hope you know, you're the reason atom resigned.
Thanks for abusing for me whenever I needed something <3