Reporter: Sando3 Offenders: Sande3 (Yes, he stole my name. Donut laugh you silly squirrel.) Offence: Hacking (anti kb) Evidence: [MEDIA]
Reporter: Sando3 Offenders: MC273 & NILLA_DEVELOPER (Same person) Offence: Hacking (killaura) Evidence: [MEDIA]
IGN: ParTea3 OFFENDER: LeSkorpex OFFENCE: Advertising EVIDENCE: [IMG]
If you change your in-game name for Minecraft, Towny counts you as a new player. Numerous of people (including someone in my town) are basically...
1) Sando3 2) Expressinq 3) Threat / Death wish 4) Fabulous Evidence: [IMG]
Glitch resolved
1) ParTea3 2) JCook1005 +Best_Terorist (again) 3) Chat Offenses (Profanity) 4) Evidence: [IMG]
1) ParTea3 2) Z0mb3yyyGHG (+Best_Terorist) 3) Chat Offenses & Hacking [1st vid: Z0mb3yyyGHG w/ safewalk + anti kb] [2nd vid: Z0mb3yyyGHG w/ anti...
1) ParTea3 2) Best_Terorist & Perfectiionz 3) Chat Offenses (Profanity) 4) Evidence: [IMG]
1) ParTea3 2) Best_Terorist 3) Chat offences (profanity) 4) Evidence: [IMG]
1) ParTea3 2) evanky3 3) Chat offenses (Profanity) 4) Evidence: [IMG]
1) ParTea3 2) TeerOFDeath 3) Chat offenses (Profanity) 4) Evidence: [IMG]
1) ParTea3 2) Chaos_shredder 3) Hacking (fly...) 4) Evidence: [MEDIA]
As you might know, bedwars has had a scoreboard/leaderboard ever since the last bedwars update. The thing is, all the names listed there are from...
1) @Sando3 2) @FearTheKlowns 3) Plagiarising applications (copying) 4) Evidence: FearTheKlowns Application Elric Application (Look at the "Why...
1) Sando3 (Recorded by UnspokenLyrics, but she is allergic to making reports herself, and therefore asked me to report it) 2) D4rkr3i 3) Fabulous...
1) @Sando3 2) @lovely 3) Rule broken: Post Farming [SPOILER] 4) Evidence: [IMG] It's simple, don't post farm. ;)
IGN: Sando3 Offenders: AG8abtastic, Snurlux & duzduzsquirtle Broken rules: Death wishes and Chat Offenses (Profanity) Evidence: [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
IGN: Sando3 Offender: Wolfantastic Broken rule: Chat offenses (profanity/swearing) Evidence: [IMG]
1) Sando3 2) WildSaltyClown 3) Death wishes, disrespect and profanity 4) Evidence: [IMG] [IMG] Next time you should maybe excuse yourself, as I...